Academic Catalog 2020-21

Course Types

Special codes attached to certain course titles indicate the course type. Course type codes may be used in the following situations:

  • Courses only open to students in certain programs (e.g., the Honors Program or the Adult Degree Completion program)
  • To indicate the campus or the delivery method of the course (e.g., courses taken abroad and those offered in a fully online or a hybrid format)
  • When a course section is being offered as a Service Learning course in a given semester
  • When a course section is being offered as an Independent Study course in a given semester

Below are the codes for the course types in current usage:

HO or HONO Honors Program courses ADC Adult Degree Completion                 
HY Hybrid courses (courses offered in a mixed online and in-person format) SL Service Learning course
IS Independent Study courses STA Study Abroad courses
OL Online courses