Academic Catalog 2020-21

Explanation of Course Numbers and Coding

Course numbers indicate the level of the course:

1000-2999 Lower division: Introductory courses, primarily for Freshmen and Sophomores
Lower division courses build foundational knowledge, concepts, and skills. Student learning outcomes and course assignments are designed to develop the cognitive skills of analysis and/or application of knowledge.
3000-4999 Upper division: Advanced courses, primarily for Juniors and Seniors
Upper division courses teach advanced knowledge, concepts and skills. Student learning outcomes and course assignments are designed to develop the cognitive skills of analysis and/or application of knowledge. Additionally, upper division courses must develop the cognitive skills of synthesis, creativity, and/or evaluation.
5000-5999 Graduate courses and Post-Baccalaureate teaching credential courses
7000-7499 Undergraduate level courses in specialized fields that may or may not meet the requirements of regular academic programs
7500-7999 Graduate level courses in specialized fields that may or may not meet the requirements of regular academic programs
8000-8999 Continuing education units that may or may not meet the requirements of regular academic programs
9000-9999 Professional development courses

Double numbered courses marked with slash (/) are lower division courses which may be taken for upper division credit (e.g., ARTH 1086/3186), with additional coursework.

Course Types

Special codes attached to certain course titles indicate the course type. Course type codes may be used in the following situations:

  • Courses only open to students in certain programs (e.g., the Honors Program or the Adult Degree Completion program)
  • To indicate the campus or the delivery method of the course (e.g., courses taken abroad and those offered in a fully online or a hybrid format)
  • When a course section is being offered as a Service Learning course in a given semester
  • When a course section is being offered as an Independent Study course in a given semester

Below are the codes for the course types in current usage:

HO or HONO Honors Program courses ADC Adult Degree Completion                 
HY Hybrid courses (courses offered in a mixed online and in-person format) SL Service Learning course
IS Independent Study courses STA Study Abroad courses
OL Online courses