Academic Catalog 2020-21

Academic Renewal Policy

The Academic Renewal Policy at Dominican allows a one-time option for currently-enrolled students whose previous college work, either at Dominican or at other post-secondary institutions, has been affected by difficult circumstances. This policy recognizes that, for various reasons, some students have not met the scholastic requirements of their previous educational programs, and it appreciates that students mature, often rediscovering their potential, while gaining new perspectives on the benefits of education.

Academic Renewal of coursework means that all courses in the selected semester/quarter will not be applied toward fulfilling Dominican University of California degree requirements, units will not be applied toward graduation, grades for these courses will not be counted in the student's cumulative grade point average; and course content will not be accepted towards the completion of Dominican degree requirements. Academic renewal affects the Dominican University of California academic record only, and is not reflected on any records from previously-attended schools.

Even though academic renewal excludes credit and corresponding grades and grade points from degree requirements and grade point calculations, these courses remain on the student’s academic record. Academic renewal is subject to the following conditions:

  • After completion of 15 units of coursework at Dominican with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5, a currently-enrolled student may apply to the Petition Committee, care of the Registrar’s Office, for renewal of academic coursework in its entirety by semester or quarter.
  • The semester or quarter must have been completed at least five years prior to the time of the student's petition to receive academic renewal.
  • A Petition for Academic Renewal form must be filed with the Registrar's Office at least two full semesters prior to graduation to allow time for making-up credit for completion of degree requirements and to allow for the processing of the petition.
  • Academic Renewal will be applied to all courses in the chosen semester(s)/quarter(s) and may not be applied only to some of the courses.
  • The decision of the Academic Petition Committee will be based on the overall quality of the academic work completed and the student’s demonstrated success in the degree program. In addition to the Petition for Academic Renewal form, applicants should include a personal statement/essay describing the circumstances that led to the poor grades earned in the chosen semester(s) or quarter(s).

Important Note: Students should be aware that the Academic Renewal Policy is not the same as the Admissions Forgiveness Policy. The Forgiveness Policy is applied for admission purposes only. Grades of 'D' and 'F' that are older than seven years from the time of admission may be excluded in determining whether an applicant meets the 2.0 minimum GPA required for admission. However, these courses and their grades do remain on the student's record unless the student applies and receives approval for Academic Renewal. See the Admissions Forgiveness Policy section of this catalog for more details.

Implications of Academic Renewal Policy

Academic renewal candidates who gain approval for renewal are advised of the following:

  • Dean's List: Qualifying students will be considered eligible for inclusion on the Dean's List in subsequent terms.
  • Graduation Honors: Students are eligible based upon all coursework completed at Dominican
  • Official Dominican University of California Transcript: Official transcript will always reflect that student's complete academic history at Dominican.

The Academic Renewal Policy is reviewed periodically and is subject to revision at any time.