Academic Catalog 2024-25

History Major (BA)

*This program is no longer accepting new students*

Lower Division:

POL 1100American Politics, Policy & Society

4.00 units

HIST 1001The Making of Today: Contemporary World History

4.00 units

HIST 3901Public History

4.00 units

Select one of the following courses:

HIST 1014Europe: Past and Present

4.00 units

HIST 3014Europe: Past and Present

4.00 units

HIST 1015/HIST 3015Africa: Past and Present

4.00 units

HIST 1016Latin America: Past and Present

4.00 units

HIST 3016Latin America: Past and Present

4.00 units

HIST 1018/HIST 3018East Asia: Past and Present

4.00 units

HIST 3018/HIST 1018East Asia: Past and Present

4.00 units

HIST 1210History Lab: U.S. History to the 1890s

4.00 units

HIST 1211History Lab: U.S. History from 1890s to Present

4.00 units

Select one Political Philosophy course.

4.00 units

Upper Division:

HIST 4901/HIST 4902Senior Capstone: Research

2.00 units

HIST 4902/HIST 4901Senior Capstone: Writing

2.00 units


HIST 4996Internship: History

1.00 unit


HIST 4994Teaching Assistant/Tutoring

1.00- 4.00 units

Upper Division Electives:

In consultation with their advisor, student selects History courses in a minimum of two areas and two themes, including one western and one non-western. Areas include Europe, Asia, Latin America, US and Middle East/North Africa. Themes include gender, class and race. Students must take a minimum of one research designated course, as identified in catalog course descriptions.
Upper Division Elective

4.00 units

Upper Division Elective

4.00 units

Upper Division Elective

4.00 units

Upper Division Elective

4.00 units

Upper Division Elective

4.00 units

Total Credit Hours: 45