CHEM 1600 Chemistry for Health Sciences
This course is designed to expose students in the health sciences to chemical principles important to human physiology. Topics include: an introduction to organic compounds and functional groups; biochemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and enzymes; protein synthesis and metabolic pathways - 3 lecture hours. Prerequisites: students must complete one of the following before they are eligible to enroll into
CHEM 1600: 1) SAT II Chemistry score equivalent to a 'B' (3.0); 2)
CHEM 1500/
CHEM 1505 at Dominican or a general or introductory chemistry course from another college within the past two (2) years with a grade of 'C' (2.0) or better; 3) CLEP General Chemistry subject examination with a passing score of 50 or higher; or 4) course challenge or 5) placement based on appropriate scores on Mathematics and Chemistry placement exams. Recommended only for students for whom this is a required course. Does not count toward degree for Chemistry majors.
CHEM 1600/
CHEM 1605 are CORE Equivalent Courses which may be substituted for the Science for Global Citizens CORE requirement.
CHEM 1605 - lab