Academic Catalog 2019-20

Clinical and Counseling Science (Minor)

The Clinical and Counseling Science Minor is for both majors and non-majors.


Lower Division

PSY 1100Introduction to Psychology

4.00 units

Upper Division

Student selects three of the following, or two of the following and four 1-unit Psychology electives with advisor approval. Other upper division courses may apply as approved by faculty advisors. Student takes a minimum of one half of the upper division units used to fulfill the minor requirements at Dominican.
PSY 3102Counseling and Communication

4.00 units

PSY 3121Adult Development & Aging

4.00 units

PSY 3141Abnormal Psychology

4.00 units

PSY 3143Family Dynamics

4.00 units

PSY 3161Small Group Interaction

4.00 units

PSY 3165Mediation, Negotiation

4.00 units

PSY 3170Psychological Testing & Assess

4.00 units

PSY 4004Advances in Positive Psychology

4.00 units

PSY 4013Human Sexuality

4.00 units

Approved 1-unit electives:
PSY 3001Psychology of Dreams

1.00 unit

PSY 3002Effective Communication

1.00 unit

PSY 3004Psychology of Death & Dying

1.00 unit

PSY 3006Psychology of Money

1.00 unit

PSY 3007Psychology of Prejudice

1.00 unit

PSY 3008Healing Relationships

1.00 unit

PSY 3009Stress Management

1.00 unit

PSY 3011Psychology of Personal Development

1.00 unit

PSY 3017Positive Psychology

1.00 unit

PSY 3023Psychology of Happiness

1.00 unit

PSY 3039Addiction: Recovery issues

1.00 unit

PSY 3043Psychology of Pregnancy

1.00 unit

PSY 3044Suicide: Prevention & Intervention

1.00 unit

PSY 3063Psychology of Hope

1.00 unit

PSY 3071Psychology of Emotional Development

1.00 unit

PSY 3072Foundations of Social Work

1.00 unit

Other upper division 1 unit course as approved by faculty advisor.

Total Credit Hours: 16