Academic Catalog 2023-24

Undergraduate Day Program CORE Curriculum Overview

Category Units
Effective Communication 1
Effective Communication 2
Quantitative Literacy and Social Issues
Civic Knowledge and Engagement
Artistic and Creative Expression
Science for Global Citizens
An Examined Life
Social Sciences: Understanding Human Behavior
Purpose and Meaning
Total Units  36

*Specific major requirements may include CORE equivalent courses. Please check major requirements and consult an academic advisor.


  1. For General Education requirements for Adult Degree Completion Program students, see the Adult Degree Completion Program General Education section of this catalog.
  2. Once Day undergraduate students have matriculated, they must complete the CORE Curriculum as outlined above or in the Honors Program section of this catalog. Students must obtain permission in advance to take a course off campus by obtaining the approval of their academic advisor and submitting a completed Authorization to Take a Class Off Campus form to the Registrar’s Office for approval, prior to enrolling in the course and subject to the parameters in Item 3 below.
  3. After matriculation, Day program undergraduate students may not take more than 3 classes off campus that are intended to meet CORE Curriculum requirements. Courses taken off campus must be comparable in course content and Student Learning Outcomes to those required by the university, as determined by the Articulation Officer and the Dean of General Studies. Failure to obtain prior authorization may result in off campus coursework being denied for transfer.
  4. The CORE Curriculum requirements develop specific academic skills and/or examine content knowledge. The number of units required in each category is indicated above. There may be variations in requirements for transfer students as explained in the Special Conditions section below or for students in the Honors Program.
  5. A course which satisfies both a CORE Curriculum requirement and a requirement in a student’s major may satisfy the requirement for both. When one course is applied to satisfy the two requirements, students receive units for the course only once.