Academic Catalog 2020-21

Declaration on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Dominican University of California declares its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through enjoining the campus community to uphold and further a shared vision of “unity in diversity.”

Our heritage is informed by a commitment to pluralism, defined by our understanding that our community draws strength from our differences. Dominican seeks to nurture attitudes and behaviors that promote global awareness, inclusive sensibilities, and respect for individuals’ diverse experiences and identities, across such categories as race, ethnicity, language, gender, sex, sexuality, age, socioeconomic status, religion, and/or ability.

Consistent with the above declaration and Dominican values, the University exhorts every member of the community to support and express their active commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion using the guiding principles stated below:

  1. All members of the University community are collectively responsible for enabling and institutionalizing diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the University.
  2. All members of the University community should consider diversity, equity, and inclusion constructively in all planning, policy, decision-making, procedural, academic and administrative operations throughout the University.
  3. All members of the University community should refuse to accept any behavior or action that is diversity-intolerant, exclusionary, insensitive, and/or discriminatory.
  4. All members of the University community should promote a campus environment that continuously works for greater equity through leveling access of opportunity for all of its participants, irrespective of experience and identity, which includes but is not limited to the categories listed above.