Academic Catalog 2024-25

HIST 3011 History and Politics of the Middle East

This course introduces students to contemporary politics in the Middle East. The course is designed to answer the following questions: What explains the dynamics of this region known as the Middle East? Why is political development so difficult to achieve in the Middle East? What are the factors contributing to the various conflicts in the region? What are the future prospects for peace in the Middle East? In order to answer these questions, students review the relevant social science theories and methodologies. First part of the course examines the role of religion, nationalism and the different political systems as well as governments found in the region to better understand the 21st Century Middle East. The second part covers the various conflicts, the Gulf Region, and U.S. involvement in the Middle East to assess the possibility for long-lasting democracy, prosperity, and peace. The course culminates with a research project to be presented at an undergraduate academic conference. (International Politics and Policy Designated, Research Designated)


4.00 units

Cross Listed Courses

POL 3011