Academic Catalog 2021-22

Master of Science in Education Degree and Teacher Preparation Programs

Statement of Purpose

Dominican University of California candidates are prepared to address the needs of 21st century students through skills development in communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and information, media and technology. As candidates move through their programs, they begin with foundational knowledge in special education, teaching English language learners, child and adolescent development, teaching for social justice and instructional technology; then they progress to subject-specific pedagogies and finally to reflective classroom practice. All candidates enroll in courses and take them in an intentionally sequenced order. Courses are offered in the late afternoon, early evening, and in hybrid online/face-to-face formats to accommodate the needs of working professionals.

All Multiple Subject, Single Subject and Education Specialist candidates follow the same developmental sequence of courses, which are divided into three categories: (1) foundational courses; (2) pedagogy and reflective practice; and (3) supervised fieldwork. Each course in this sequence has been assigned specific Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs). Through this sequence of courses, candidates who are student teaching or intern teaching have opportunities to understand, practice and apply pedagogical competencies as defined by the TPEs. After earning a credential at Dominican University, students have the option of completing 16 additional units to earn a Master of Science Degree with a concentration in Leadership.

Dominican University of California also offers stand alone 32-unit graduate programs leading to the degree of Master of Science in Education. The two concentrations are Special Education or Interdisciplinary Studies. These programs are designed for educational professionals who wish to prepare for leadership roles in education.

If a candidate completes coursework for the teacher preparation program without completing the Teacher Performance Assessment (CalTPA), they must maintain enrollment in the program as per Education Code 44252.1 by enrolling in EDU 5005 - TPA (Cycle 1 and Cycle 2). The Ed Code allows a candidate up to two full years from enrollment in the educator program to satisfy the requirements in place when the candidate enrolled.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Conceptions of Teaching and Learning: Candidates construct a personal conception of teaching and learning which embraces a belief that all students can learn and reveals their ability to meet the needs of all students, including English learners and students with special needs. (TPEs 1, 2 & 4)
  2. Understanding Theories: Candidates value theory as an explanatory tool for practice; they demonstrate a comprehension of theories relating to political, historical, cultural, linguistic, and psychological dimensions of teaching and learning. (TPEs 1 & 2)
  3. Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning: Candidates develop and maintain clear expectations for academic and social behavior. They establish procedures for routine tasks and manage transitions to maximize instructional time. They know how to establish rapport with all students and their families for supporting academic and personal success through caring, respect, and fairness. (TPEs 1, 2, & 4)
  4. Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students: Candidates select and adapt instructional strategies, grouping strategies, and instructional materials to meet student learning goals and needs. To accommodate varied student learning and language needs, they plan differentiated instruction. (TPEs 3 & 4)
  5. Assessing Student Learning: Candidates understand and use a variety of informal, formal, formative and summative assessments to determine students’ progress and plan instruction. (TPE 5)
  6. Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning: Candidates explain content clearly and reinforce content in multiple ways. They provide opportunities and adequate time for students to practice and apply what they have learned. They ensure the active and equitable participation of all students. They motivate students and encourage student effort. (TPEs 1, 2, & 3)
  7. Developing as a Professional: Candidates improve their teaching practices by soliciting feedback and engaging in cycles of planning, teaching, reflecting, discerning problems, and applying new strategies. They understand important elements of California and federal laws and procedures pertaining to the education of English learners, gifted students and individuals with disabilities. They are aware of and act in accordance with ethical considerations and model ethical behaviors for students. (TPE 6)
  8. 21st Century Skills: Candidates demonstrate proficiency in the 21st century skills (critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, and information, media and technology), including the ability to purposefully integrate these skills into instruction to promote transferability to student learning.