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Academic Catalog 2021-22
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President’s Welcome
General Information
Degree Requirements and General Information
Academic Policies and Procedures
Undergraduate Degree Programs- CORE, Majors and Minors
Graduate Degree Programs
Adult Degree Completion Programs
Post-Baccalaurate Premedical Certificate
ACS - Applied Computer Science
ART - Art
ARTH - Art History
AT - Art Therapy
ATD - Art Therapy Phd
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business
CASC - Community Action & Social Chg
CHEM - Chemistry
CMS - Communications & Media Studies
CP - Counseling Psychology
CRWR - Creative Writing
CS - Computer Science
DANC - Dance
DRAM - Drama
EC - Effective Communication
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
EDU - Education
ENGL - English
ENSC - Environmental Science
GPH - Global Public Health
HCL - Health Care Leadership
HCS - Humanities & Cultural Science
HIST - History
HONO - Honors
HUM - Humanities
IS - International Studies
MATH - Mathematics
MBA - Business Administration
MSA - Accounting
MSBA-Business Analytics
MUSA - Applied Music
MUS - Music
NURS - Nursing
NURL - Nursing Clinical
OT - Occupational Therapy
OTL - Occupational Therapy Lab
PA - Physician Assistant
PAL - Physician Assistant Lab
PE - Physical Education
PHIL - Philosophy
PHSC - Physical Science
PHYS - Physics
POL - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
RLGN - Religion
SPAN - Spanish
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> HONO - Honors
HONO - Honors
HONO 1100
Effective Communication 1: Reading Popular Media
HONO 1701
Freshman Honors Seminar
HONO 2200
Effective Communication 2: Global Communications and Images
HONO 2999
Independent Study
HONO 3030
SL: Evolution of Human Cultures
HONO 3102
Cultural Anthropology
HONO 3109
Healthcare Ethics and Equity
HONO 3119
Art Fundamentals: Concept to Creation
HONO 3120
The Rhetoric of Belief
HONO 3155
Liberation Theology
HONO 3192
World Religions
HONO 3201
International Relations: Conflict and Cooperation
HONO 3202
Just Learning: Books Not Bars
HONO 3203
Empires and Colonization
HONO 3204
Virtuosity: Cultivating Moral/Ethical Character
HONO 3206
Social Justice and Ethical Action
HONO 3301
Community Engaged Art
HONO 3412
Creative Writing
HONO 3414
Theater for Social Change
HONO 3500
Self, Community, and Service
HONO 3503
Ethics, Leadership & Meaning
HONO 3711
U.S. Environmental History
HONO 3900
American Transcendentalism
HONO 4701
Senior Honors Seminar I
HONO 4920
Honors Capstone
HONO 4994
Teaching Assistantship: Honors
HONO 4999
Independent Study