Academic Catalog 2021-22

Repeated Courses

Undergraduate students may repeat courses in which a grade of ‘D’ or ‘F’ has been earned. In the CORE Curriculum, a student must achieve a grade of “C” (2.0) or above in prerequisite courses leading to the terminal course in a given CORE area, such as Effective Communication.  In order to progress in the program, the student therefore must repeat such courses in which less than a 2.0 is earned. Nursing and Occupational Therapy majors are subject to different standards than the general student population and should consult the most recent department handbook, or consult the academic advisor or department chair, for details on repeating courses. Graduate students may repeat courses with a ‘C’ (2.0) or below with the Program Director’s approval. All students receiving financial aid who intend to repeat a course are strongly recommended to consult with their financial aid counselor ahead of time concerning the regulations regarding repeated courses.

In the case of repeated Dominican courses, both letter grades remain on the academic record, but upon successful completion of the repeated course, only the higher grade is calculated into the GPA, and the student receives credit for the course only once. If a course taken at another college is repeated at Dominican, the higher grade will be applied toward the degree; both grades will appear on the record and credit will be given only once. Grade points and GPA’s affected by a successfully repeated course will appear on the transcript, beginning with the semester of the successful repeat.

Students should check their unofficial transcript on Self-Service after the completion of a repeated course to ensure that their grade point average has been adjusted appropriately, especially in cases of transfer courses and/or courses with different Dominican course numbers. See the Academic Renewal Policy section of this catalog for unsuccessful work taken at least five years earlier.