Academic Catalog 2019-20

Political Science Major (BA)


POL 1501Introduction to World Politics

4.00 units

POL 1100American Politics, Policy & Society

4.00 units

HIST 1001The Making of Today: Contemporary World History

4.00 units

HIST 3901Public History

4.00 units

Student selects one course from the Political Philosophy course list.

4.00 units

Student takes

POL 4901Senior Capstone: Research

2.00 units

POL 4902Senior Capstone: Writing

2.00 units


POL 4996Internship: Political Science

1.00 unit


POL 4994Teaching Assistant

3.00 units

Upper Division Electives

Student selects courses in at least two subfields of the discipline. Subfields include International Politics and Policy, Law and Society, Political Philosophy and American Politics and Society. Courses designated by subfield in catalog course description. Students must take a minimum of one research designated course as identified in the catalog course description.
Upper Division Elective

4.00 units

Upper Division Elective

4.00 units

Upper Division Elective

4.00 units

Upper Division Elective

4.00 units

Upper Division Elective

4.00 units

Total Credit Hours: 45